Looking back sadly - Global bird - Animation - scene 1
I thought i would start off with a easier shot of the bird and work my way to the harder ones. I knew that the Muybridge reference would be essential to animating to get a believable pigeon flight. I also made a construction sheet and pose sheet for other animators to use, but more of a reference to myself.
Initial roughs were easy enough and didn't need to move the bird because tweening the motion would be easier than placing them one by one. Working on twos helped the speed of the animation and plus the timing was much easier to do. I'm very happy with head turn thought the blink was nice although the body psychics are off, turning the head probably changes the movement of the wing but a reference of a bird looking backwards mid flight doesn't exist.
The line work was a struggle but it was slightly better than first try during short story. Figuring out how the feathers function was a challenge, it was easily the hardest and most frustrating part of the clean up.For the next shot i work on i have to focus on making sure the gaps aren't too big when inking because adding the white i had to go back and look for gaps. A more effective way would be to do the whites as i do the ink.
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