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James' Balls and other parts - Making of - A.E sessions

After effects sessions

Ball bounces and pendulum 

Annabeth and Jame thought it would be best to teach the class the basics of after effects and have us all have a basic under standing of the software. I was fairly familiar with after effects as there's is almost an endless supply of tutorials online but I think shows the depth that after effects can go into. We started off with simple functional animations such as the ball bounce and pendulum, i wish that we learned this last year as it was far easier to in after effects, and i think would of assisted me in stop mo and definitely in Maya. 

As you can see the graphs are much clearer and i think easier to understand, this kind of knowledge is really useful as most people would think this is really complicated but to us animators this is much friendlier to us. 

As well as the ball we did a pendulum, and furthered that and made a leg with moving parts using the bone tool. I had layered my leg wrong so i had a problem making it move. I think with a bit of small research i could develop this a lot and create simple rigged characters easily in after effects.

Green-screen pt 2

Furthering the green-screen from last year, James showed us how to correct problems if the green-screen is bad or you wanted to track something. This process was close to rotoscoping and something we should know how to do but its not something i want to pursue. However the files for the after effects files have gone and i couldn't review the work over again, here are some videos i found that explain the session. 

Colour correction 

I would say this was the most difficult session and i think my sense of colour is poor and i couldn't really get the work to look clean, it came out as really filtered and yellow. He showed us how to use the Lumetri colour effects and play with the RGB curves, luma, hue etc. The footage for this was lost as well so the after effect file was unusable. The after effects website has a really nice explanation and in depth explanation of Lumetri effect.

Audio animation 

This was definitely my least favorite session as i had done something similar for a context brief last year and really hated doing it then. It was just a matter of converting the auto into key-frames and linking that to shapes that we made. I found a link to a site which explains it deeper with a step by step guide.


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