Im coming closer to realisation that storyboarding is a field that i want to keep exploring. This past semester we been tasked with a range of different mediums and techniuiqes which has been super challenging, requiring me to learn something new. The only problem I've had is that I get so tired from the research, I dont have the power to work and produce work I'm happy with. This is a minor problem as i know over time i'll become way more adpet and will have a much smoother workflow.
This video is kinda just a seller for the main course, but what i enjoyed was him talking about the strengths of foucusing on design and trying to come up with more and more ideas when it comes to developing your envirment.
A really boring video
I really love this youtuber. His videos are super engaing, comodic and an obvious amount of effort and quality is present in his videos. The main thing i learned from this video is when it comes to colour harmony the colours can 'commuicate' when they are a lower saturation and closer to each other on the grey spectrum.

I can say though that because of all this research time, I fallen back in love with drawing again. Maybe it has something to do with chris' life drawing classes but im actually drawing for fun again, and this is a feeling that i havent had for year. I'm trying drawing to become my new form of procrastination, because my mind just loves putting off work.
This is a kind of 'procrastinion i did, when i should of been trying to do some modelling in maya i wanted to draw more so i thought it'd be a good idea so get some perspective and envirmoent reseach in.
This video is kinda just a seller for the main course, but what i enjoyed was him talking about the strengths of foucusing on design and trying to come up with more and more ideas when it comes to developing your envirment.
A really boring video
I really love this youtuber. His videos are super engaing, comodic and an obvious amount of effort and quality is present in his videos. The main thing i learned from this video is when it comes to colour harmony the colours can 'commuicate' when they are a lower saturation and closer to each other on the grey spectrum.

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