A replacement module for creative play, but we'll be working alone which might be better or worse who knows. I think it'll be better as i wont be waiting on other people and I know if i create a story i care about i'll be working my ass off to get it to the best of my ability.
requirements for this module
- Production bible
- 1 animatic
The limitations set to us are that the characters are in one environment and have two main characters focusing on a problem. I need to ask if these can be slightly fudged, such as a large environment with more than one location and secondary characters with small roles. Annabeth mentioned that there are certain things we should try to do to improve our work and in turn get a better grade such as animation reviews and breakdowns.
One of the reasons why i love annabeth is that she shows us some great and insiprational videos. I know that everyone was blown away by the antman animatic as they should cos it was fucking amazing. as well as 'work' by caltech and how they maximised small animations to create an animatic that was near enough a finished product. I'm unsure where I'll be using maya or experimenting with 2d but i think that would depend on the story. The story and script writing process is what is scaring me the most. Creative writing isnt really a muscle ive ever flexed so im nevous going into that realm.
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