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Redoing the thumbs for the fables

I had lost my bag a few months ago which had a small sketchbook containing my post stick thumbnails. Theses are even rougher iterations of the tale the Old lion and the fox, which teaches to learn from others misfortunes. 

I had done a full shot and scene breakdown of the story, following Sherm Cohens video on story-boarding and applying correct film grammar. Felt like the story was strong but I've realised that i certainly gave myself way too much to do. 

scene 1 the old lion hunts for his prey but get tired instantly and is unable to catch his prey

Scene 2 -  the old lion returns to his rock and is still tired. He notices that others are watching and decides to trick them and claims he is dying so they will come visit him 

scene 3- some really dumb deers come to visit him. He invites them to have a look in his home. They think its a good idea go inside.  

Scene 4 - the fox approaches the lion and asks how he is feeling. The lions states he isn't well and ask the fox to come in. The fox is already suspicious and then notices tracks leading into the cave and not out. He says he is not stupid and walks away.



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