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Emotion to emotion - Stop mo

Joe flying solo in todays lecture while johnny on strike. Respect Joe for coming in an trying to help those who turned up. He inspired me to start to work on another stop mo piece, i was feeling a bit dumb cos i wanted to show him the sit and stand up i did with Poli, but i didnt have it with me.

I always have problems and struggles in stop motion and it makes me cry cry on the inside. I'm trying to be more detirmined in my work and i think today was is a good example. I got paige to record me acting out the transisitions between emotions and i think i did a good job. I liked the way i aproached the bar sheet even though i dont think Joe or Johnny would approve. Instead of taking aboiut an hour before hand and analyising the video and meticuously working my through the video i had the reference open in premier and i broke down the footage one second at a time and working through as i moved along. I found it a more natural process and i personally prefered it, giving a similar if not better outcome.

[r]Emotion to emotion from muntasir chowdhurry on Vimeo.

i wasnt feeling too confident in my work so i sought out Joe to get some insight on his beautiful mind. I personally thought it was super shaky and janky but Joe told me it wasn't as bad as i was making it out to be and told me just to keep going. I expressed that i was having problems with the magnets and he tried his best to explain his approach, unfortunately i dont think Joes the best at explaining ahahah.

Also around the two second mark, he swtiches his weight twice between both legs, this was one of the more difficult secqences and obviously with my luck in stop mo he fell over. There was an obvious jump, which suggested something went wrong and i showed the problem to Oli who came later in the day. I really don't how he did it but he went into the edior and removed like two or three frames and hey presto it looked smooth as shit. (btw super jelous of Olis stop mo work, its so smooth but if he used more reference it would be some next level stuff.) 

What im finding is these rigs, the amarture and bucketkid have just the worst joints in the history of mankind. Becuase my character goes on to his knees it was a painful process getting him there espically having him rest on his toes.

In the end this is proabaly my most successful stopmotion peice and I'm quite happy with the result, While writing this blog i was uploading to vimeo and ive just noticed that i have a 5gb total limit. I dont really want to use Youtube as i dont think its as proffesional but its probably something I'll swtich to in time. Reference is key. Without that video i shot at the start i would been lost so im definatelty going to put more emphasis on high quality reference shots.


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