I've been really enjoying these tasks that Annabeth has been setting us, this being no different. After to speaking to a few people the character that people liked the most was actually my favourite too. I has missed the lecture that this was assigned to us but there was enough information on blackboard to go off that I was lost on what to do. While doing the turnarounds I came to the unfortunate realisation that I was struggling with getting my character to look consistently like its self from different angles. I'm guessing this was the point of the task and this is one of the reason I'm loving this course because I know how much I have to progress and these tasks are shining a light on them. It's a bit sad because personally I like it and I know that's what it takes to improve but on the other hand this is art at the end of the day and you have to show people your work and if you're constantly making mistakes you don't really want to show people that.
The lecturers are more understanding of this but I think your peers have the right to be more brutal in critism, but that won't happen because no one wants negative judgment so it isn't voiced. I was quite pleased with the turn around in the end even though I still don't think it's consistent. I was looking forward to doing the emotions of this character because I think in animation portraying a characters emotions is so vital to the performance and creating a connection with that character. Unfortunately my characters head was a skull so an emotional skull was something that boggled my mind a bit. I played around with a lot of different emotions and different shapes of the eyes, if the character had eye brows, etc. Some were more successful that other but as a whole I was please with level emotion I was able to convey and so I moved on to full body poses. This for me was the most difficult aspect of the whole process because it was combination of the practices I had just done. I was struggling a lot with the body language and it connecting and emphasising the expression on the face. Also, because I was focusing on the pose the head was in more difficult positions but because I had spent a lot of time drawing these repeatedly it was easier than doing the body. I think for next time I should start off with doing the emotions first and drawing them from different angles so this was when I come to drawing the turnaround I have an idea of a consist look which I find comes after drawing the character repeatedly also looking at body language should be high on my priority list.

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