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Ball bounce - Maya

I think one of the most important things of animation is having good references, I've spoken to a lot of other class mates and they give me the feeling that using references is inferior in a way, which I understand, doing things completely from memory is certainly impressive but for me I'm not even close the skill level to be able to draw from memory let alone animate from memory. I say this because I was struggling to find good references on the Internet for ball bounces, I was a bit flabbergasted by this as with years of animation students coming throughout the world you would of thought there would of be an abundance of good ball bounce references. I did in the end find a really good video with multiple bounces and that's what I went off. 

We haven't really dove into deep in Maya so what we've been tasked with hasn't given me a headache but just time taken up, mostly me having fiddles with what looks right and usually going too far and it ends up looking wrong, then having to go back a few steps to what I had before and the vicious cycle repeats and repeats. I started off the a tennis ball, it wasn't on the sheet of the brief (Joe if you're reading this don't kill me) but when I think of a ball bouncing I think of a tennis ball so I went with what would be most comfortable for my brain. 

The bounce was super straight forward, however looking back I think I keep the ball floating the in the air on the bounce for a bit too long, I like the exaggerated effect but in terms of realism it isn't accurate. I was really enjoying this as I do with most Maya experiments so I went on to the next the ball which was a bowling ball. This wasn't in the video reference i was using but it was in the TED talk on blackboard. Again it was pretty straight forward but I did struggle on the making the ball fall realistically and I still don't think it looks completely accurate. I also added a slight spin on the both the balls as well the ball coming to a stop. I personally think they look pretty good, but I think getting Johnny, Joe or James' opinion could steer me in the right direction.

balls sample test 1 from muntasir chowdhurry on Vimeo.

tennis ball + bowling ball 1 from muntasir chowdhurry on Vimeo.


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