I think I enjoy Annabeth's classes the most because I feel like I learn something new every time we have a session with her. Today's class was about green screening and compositing. I loved the demonstration video that Annabeth showed us, it was clips for a green screen competition featuring Jean Claude van dam from a few years back. The man is terrible actor but I just find him so funny.

When Annabeth showed us how to use after effects to composite the green screen out, maybe it's because I was sort of familiar to using after effects, I found the whole process so surprisingly easy. The only thing that looked slightly difficult is having to rotoscope certain areas of the green screen if there was any colour change, because an explosion in one of the clips and it slightly effected the background. She also mentioned that it was an easy way to get a job because no one wants to do it and they need a lot of people to do it, it definitely not something I would want to do but I have been thinking about going in to some special effects and I think learning how to rotoscoping quickly will help in the future. Green screening would be essential for stop motion as you would unable to shoot in an actual outdoor setting, I've been subject to watching a lot of twirlywoo because i have a 1 year old nephew who loves the show and for me its a great time to analyse how they are execution the animation, because the animation level is very high in my opinion

After we had our break we were told to meet in the studio downstairs for an induction. I really hate inductions but I see the purpose, there be chaos without it. The guy in charge of the studio space was called ash, and he was explaining to take care of the studio and some light features. He demonstration was half good half bad. The good half was Ash demonstrating to get a campfire effect by using a red light and placed cut out orange and yellow plastic, Alex was the actor in the demo and he was amazing as always.
The bad half was the induction because I know i'll have to take it again if I ever want to use the green screen another time and was Ash was telling us all of the safety regulations. Also he kept mentioning something that Joe had been saying; don't fix it in post, fix it on set. He also showed us a music video he was editing for something like 3 years, I can see how much work he put and felt somewhat sad when he said he was the only one working on it and that he had to learn after effects by himself, something I could relate to as I had to learn after effects for my FMP last year. Like most of the inductions I thought they would of been finished in less than half the time that it actually took. We were supposed to do some demos after break but I didn't feel like staying, something I regret because I left my cap in the studio and it was my favourite Lucario one.

I really had no difficulty in keying out the green screen but i didn't really want to make a full scene of jean claude van damme.
The bad half was the induction because I know i'll have to take it again if I ever want to use the green screen another time and was Ash was telling us all of the safety regulations. Also he kept mentioning something that Joe had been saying; don't fix it in post, fix it on set. He also showed us a music video he was editing for something like 3 years, I can see how much work he put and felt somewhat sad when he said he was the only one working on it and that he had to learn after effects by himself, something I could relate to as I had to learn after effects for my FMP last year. Like most of the inductions I thought they would of been finished in less than half the time that it actually took. We were supposed to do some demos after break but I didn't feel like staying, something I regret because I left my cap in the studio and it was my favourite Lucario one.

I really had no difficulty in keying out the green screen but i didn't really want to make a full scene of jean claude van damme.
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