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Getting into the city groups and initial ideas

Its staggering how quickly these past 7 weeks have gone, maybe because I'm getting older but time really is flying and I really need to step up into another gear. I think Adam is the only one who has done some work on 'the city' and talking to him about it was really interesting, I really admire his ambition to push what is asked of us. A definite example of what we should be working like. When Annabeth told us to separate into groups the awkwardness amongst our table was so high, I found it hilarious. Firstly watching Chris drag Adam away was comically sad, I don't think Adam minds but I can tell he's not ecstatic about his group.

 For me on the other hand I had Poli and Indya on my table and they really wanted to be in a group with me, and me with them but working with friends doesn't always have the best results. Stephen and Madaline were on our table as well but because we were going to be working primarily in 2d, Stephen was unfortunately excluded and Maddy was the last member of the team. I'm really happy with the team because I like all their personalities so I'll be less likely to hate them by then end of it. I did feel like the pressure of leading the group was on me which I really didn't want especially with it being my first group project and I don't really have clue what I'm doing. 

This session we spent the majority of the time brainstorming what would be the focus of our animation. With everything going on in the world, we felt that the class division is becoming greater and greater as well as other inequities, this would a really invoking message to centre the animation around. My initial suggestion was to have a a city where the divide between the rich and the poor was absolute, by having the rich live in the clear sky and poor live on ground with the trash. Everyone was spitballing great ideas so mine kinda got lost among the rest.

 Natasha came over to us and asked us what was the idea and after explaining what we had got, she gave us a few suggestions of what she liked and she told to also focus on how we were presenting it. With this in mind we all jumped on the idea of having the animation interactive, following a similar idea to the Tell Tale games, how a conversation leads to different options and then different endings. For a first session it was really good and we were bouncing well off of each other, looking forward to how we progress.


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