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In my opinion this was the worst lecture we've had. Me, Indya and Poli were siting quite far away from the lecture but I can honestly say that made no difference. We couldn't hear a word of what he was saying for most of the lecture. He showed us a video of these criminals killing a police officer and an incredibles scene. The incredibles scene was really informative as it showed different stages of the scene with and without the foley effects.
Image result for mrs incredible sneaks in

 However the police video was just confusing, I couldn't understand why he showed it to us, the acting was hilarious and atrocious at the same time. From the small parts I did pick up, foley is an art form of which the artist creates sounds using different objects and materials.  Because I couldn't hear what the lecture was about I had to some research and I surprised to find what objects were used to recreate the sounds. For example, the sound of breaking bones is a breaking celery or a head of lettuce and a birds flapping wings are a made by waving a pair of leather gloves around. I thought this short video really encapsulated what a foley artist does. 


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