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Film noir

the lecture for film noir was cancelled and our group spent the day just chatting, me and axel mostly. We did say that when we came to the next lecture and if we had to make a film we should have an idea on what we would be doing it on. So when i came home i did some quick research on film noir and it was mostly of what annabeth had told us in the previous lecture. From what i extracted from the lecture was that the lighting was what really defined if it was film noir or not. Film noir has it stereotypes such as crime dramas and ani heros but the key element was the key lighting. By having typically one light for the scene e.g. a lamppost it would in turn call for it to shot at from strong angles. The most recent example i can think of is Sin City but the new Logan movie has noir version out. 
Image result for sin city

Image result for logan noir

Our group met up again the next day, and we discussed what we could perform. We wanted to use the tropes that are normally associated with film noir such as a crime detective, but we wanted to stay away from the traditional serious approach and make something that was a bit more light hearted. Axel and Cerian are what i like to call 'memelords' and they revolve around memes, and for some reason they loved the idea of having Barry the bee from the bee movie be our main character.

Image result for barry the bee

I found it quite a funny idea for this project and poli agreed too. After a bit of brain storming and discussion we came to final idea that Barry would walk into a bar, and after speaking to the bar man it would then turn to a flash back of him meeting his son. I enjoy the randomness as well as the stupidity that Cerian and Axel bring with me being a naturally serious person. Filming this would be a laugh with them but i cant see it coming to fruition. 


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