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Showing posts from September, 2017

Silent Cargo Sketches

Considering this is the only work I have to do at the minute, I think getting into the habit of going out of my way to do extra work will only help me progress as an artist. That being said i do have a long way to go. I'm not too pleased with the drawings i had done, as i know my base level of ability and i don't think i hit them with these drawings. Practice makes perfect, and I've not been practicing life drawing recently and it was so evident with the first sketch. It was so bad i'm not going to post it here. The other two pages i did were a bit better, but i want to hold myself to higher standard and improve. Revisiting the display and doing more pages will help, but i want to see what was the purpose of this brief. I was thinking of attempting an animation already of a cog spinning with another cog. I'll look further into it but i think i'm being a bit overzealous. Its only week zero.

Silent Cargo

University hasn't even started yet and we've already been tasked with a small brief, but I guess you can't start working too soon. On a tour around Salford Quays our two new tutors, Johnny and Joe showed us what this opening brief would be on. The sculpture they showed us was of old docking equipment, called Silent Cargo. The purpose of the sculpture was to show the changes to trafford park over the last one-hundred years. The docks were booming with trade but since the introduction of shipping containers the docks it had become derelict, the salford city council then intervened seeing the potential of the area and put in plans in place for renovation sparking new life and giving birth the media city we have today. I found the idea of having a snapshot of the old, living in the heart of the new to have such a powerful message. To always know where you came from and appreciate your roots i believe is lost in today's society and i am guilty of it myself. Silent cargo does...